"Ziggy", my baby, always
in my Heart !
Jan 3, 2003-March 30,2015

"Shelby," my picky puppy!

Welcome to PickyPuppySamples.com!
My name is Tree, and I'm thrilled to share journey with you. After countless hours and dollars spent on food my Goldendoodle, Shelby, wouldn’t touch, I understand the struggle of finding the right kibble for your picky pets. I'm excited to help you save time and money while reducing waste just like I did for Shelby, who now enjoys delicious and nutritious kibbles. I look forward to hearing your stories and serving you on this adventure of happy sampling!

I have included a few pictures that have brought much joy to my life. From my lifetime love of animals, to volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary, and my incredible trip to Alaska. I am Blessed!